

  1. Astraios LLC does not provide financial advice.
  2. Any signals and/ or discussions are solely for educational purposes. Astraios LLC is not liable for losses incurred and is not accountable for your risks or decisions—you are responsible for any and all the risks involved, including any financial resources you utilize from the community. Astraios LLC provides content for the purposes of informational and educational activities.
  3. Astraios LLC is for educational use only—do not use services as a recommendations for any investments or trading // Astraios LLC does not provide investment advice.
  4. Astraios LLC only provides education that may help others in their knowledge concerning the global financial markets.
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  7. In participating in any resource offered by Astraios LLC, you confirm that you are at least eighteen years of age.
  8. You must be of eighteen years of age to operate a brokerage account and alternative securities accounts. You must be at least eighteen years of age to participate in Astraios LLC , regardless of any parent/ guardian action.
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  10. This site does not contain financial advice. Any financial information provided is solely for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional advice. Before taking any financial action based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with appropriate professionals. Astraios LLC does not provide any kind of financial advice.

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  • You are least eighteen years of age.
  • You understand Astraios LLC only provides educational services.
  • You understand that Astraios LLC does not provide financial advice.
  • You understand any resource or information you utilize from Astraios LLC is at your own risk.
  • You understand any published work by Astraios LLC should not be taken as recommendation or advice related to the financial marketplace.
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